Colours of Life

I remember one of my school mates who were brilliant in studies, talented in classical music. Unfortunately she was a blind. Once she told me " I'm a blind by birth but my mind is not blind....I can see everything as you see....but there is no colour...."

I don’t know where she lives now, neither her whereabouts. No one could tell me. 

I still remember my friend and her words, especially on every New Year. It was a great December followed by a silent New Year in our school time....!

Few lines came into mind and thought of writing it down for her.

Countdown started….
People waiting for the moment 2011 starts
But I am, as always, in the dark…
Unseen by the sun.. the moon.. or nature

But all are lighting up in my heart…
And the light draws me towards it
I ask myself, what is light?
What is the color of light?

I know everything by touching it
But can I ever see the colors of life?
Why has God gifted me with darkness?
Many times I asked
But no one answered

Walking on the shore
Looking at the horizon..
But they never raised a sun for me. Nor even a moon.
But I keep hoping.. perhaps, tomorrow..

Let us welcome 2011
Let us pray for peace
Let us light up the world
Defeat the darkness

And let us celebrate the New Year with those in darkness…
And let us together wish for every one… a Happy New Year…

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